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We read a lot in scripture about believers baptism and Jesus instructed us to baptise His followers. Redeemer wants to follow this Biblical instruction without compromise.

So far we have been able to baptise quite a number of people already and it has been a great joy every time. We pray many more will follow.

We would like everyone who is a follower of Jesus and hasn’t been baptised yet, to seriously consider doing so. On one hand is an act of obedience and confirmation of your faith in Jesus and on the other hand so much more than just a ceremony. We have written a paper that explains the importance and the theology of Biblical, believers baptism, please find it here;

On the 22nd of September 2024 we will have our next Baptism moment.
It will be held at Studio Radium after the service.
If you are thinking about being baptised or would like to chat about it, please find
 someone of our leadership team or reach out to us via e-mail via

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